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Showing posts from March, 2018

Tips on Writing Your First Book - 5 Questions to Ask Before Setting Up Your Writing Area

Habits are extremely important when starting out your writing. Habits are one of the techniques you can use to avoid procrastinating with your writing. Intentionally establishing writing habits that help you to write is extremely important. Otherwise you will unintentionally establish habits that help you to avoid writing. Many of the habits you need to establish revolve around where and when you will write. But everyone is different. So how do you ensure the habits you establish now will work for you in the future? Here are 5 questions you can ask about your writing to help you determine what habits you want to establish. 1. What type of writing are you going to do? Just as the type of writing you do affects the systems you need, so it will also affect the conditions you require for writing. Characters are extremely important to fiction writing. After all, characters are part of the big three of fiction writing. On the other hand, characters are less important to non-fiction... especi...

Technical Writer to Fiction Writer - Truth Revealed

So, you want to write a novel? What's the "true" way to do it? Here's an obscure quote which works for me:     The principles and concepts you will find in these manuals contain engineering truths; truth is what works. However, they neither came from the "mystic realms of the ancient universe" nor were "divinely inspired."     They are true only if they are true for you. Study them, apply them and see if they work as described. Only then should you decide if they are true for you. What is one person's true could be another person's false. They are at opposite ends of the same scale. Yes, that makes for good conflict in a story, but a dogged stance without an objective knowledgeable viewpoint just makes you a fanatic (knowledge without wisdom). This set of articles deal with people like me who come from a tech writer/analyst/programmer background. We really know what works or doesn't. The better we run our process, the better our final r...